国王的三明治Королевский бутерброд(1985)

又名:The King's Sandwich / The King’s Breakfast / Korolevskiy buterbrod

主演:Arkadi Rajkin

导演:安德烈·赫尔扎诺夫斯基 编剧:A.A. Milne/Samuil Marshak



国王的三明治主演:Arkadi Rajkin, 充满硝烟的城市,一边是人群在拥嚷推挤,一边是国王在悠闲自得地晨练。晨练完毕,国王沐浴更衣,过程自有庞大队伍小心伺候;末了,他坐下来吃早餐,问题来了:没有涂抹切片面包的奶油,他吃不成三明治,而对旁边其它丰盛的美食,他瞧都懒的瞧一眼。   “一点也不挑剔”的国王要王后给他找奶油,王后吩咐农务大臣去找奶牛小姐,奶牛小姐说现在流行橘子酱,于是农务大臣将橘子酱带给国王,国王大怒。农务大臣费尽心机跑断双腿终于为他的国王弄到奶油后,兴奋的国王一骨碌从被窝中爬起,重新沐浴更衣,并奖励给每个参与此事的人一枚勋章。
The king woke up in the morning with a simple human desire to taste fresh butter for breakfast and asked the queen to order the milkmaid to fulfill his whim. The court milkmaid immediately ran to the cow and asked her for butter. But the lazy cow answered sleepily that butter is not in fashion right now for breakfast. They usually have breakfast with marmalade and pastille sandwiches.


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