以享誉世界百年的经典儿童文学《比得兔的故事》等绘本故事为基础而创作,故事围绕3只小兔子——比得、本杰明,及原作中并未登场的新角色莉莉展开。在每一集故事中,比得和他的小伙伴都将带领大家进行一场森林大冒险。他们要躲避麦格先生的追捕,识破托德先生狡诈的谎言,逃离猫头鹰老布朗的骚扰。勇气、智慧和友情帮助他们克服一切困难!《比得兔》系列动画继承了比阿特丽斯·波特小姐原作中“原汁原味”英国田园格调,融入了能吸引当下孩子的情节要素和扣人心弦的冒险场景,2014年底,《比得兔》系列动画在第41届日间艾美奖上大放异彩,一举斩得3项艾美奖大奖及8项提名,并在第42届动画安妮奖再获提名。 Join Peter and his two bosom buddies; Benjamin and Lily, on their whimsical adventures through timeless Lake District. Peter encounters real dangers, and he and his loyal friends and family must use their wits to outsmart incompetent villains whose barks are way worse than their bites. Peter is a 6-year-old rabbit who lives with his mother underneath a huge fir tree in a hidden burrow. He misses his late father and desperately wants to grow up to be just like him. Armed with his father's journal, which is basically a guide to everything one needs to become a truly wild rabbit, and aided and abetted by his two best friends, Benjamin and Lily, Peter sets off to make his own mark in life.