
又名:.hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet

主演:皆川纯子 Junko Minagawa/中原麻衣 Mai Nakahara/松冈由贵 Yuki Matsuoka/甲斐田雪 Yuki Kaida/川澄绫子 Ayako Kawasumi/桧山修之 Nobuyuki Hiyama/保志总一朗 Soichiro Hoshi/增谷康纪 Yasunori Masutani/坂本真绫 Maaya Sakamoto/玉川纱己子 Sakiko Tamagawa/菊池正美 Masami Kikuchi/千叶一伸 Isshin Chiba/浅野真澄 Masumi Asano/山本泰辅 Taisuke Yamamoto/仲西环 Tamaki Nakanishi/川田绅司 Shinji Kawada

导演:真下耕一 泽井幸次 川面真也 黑川智之 守冈博 有江勇树 编剧:西园悟 Nishizono Satoru/大和屋晓 Akatsuki Yamatoya


.hack//黄昏的腕轮传说主演:皆川纯子 Junko Minagawa/中原麻衣 Mai Nakahara/松冈由贵 Yuki Matsuoka/甲斐田雪 Yuki Kaida/川澄绫子 Ayako Kawasumi/桧山修之 Nobuyuki Hiyama/保志总一朗 Soichiro Hoshi/增谷康纪 Yasunori Masutani/坂本真绫 Maaya Sakamoto/玉川纱己子 Sakiko Tamagawa/菊池正美 Masami Kikuchi/千叶一伸 Isshin Chiba/浅野真澄 Masumi Asano/山本泰辅 Taisuke Yamamoto/仲西环 Tamaki Nakanishi/川田绅司 Shinji Kawada, 一晃眼,上一次的“黄昏事件”已经过去四年了,风平浪静许久的The World中再度发生了似曾相识的神秘事件。秀悟(皆川纯子 配音)想都没想就进入了游戏之中,而玲奈(中原麻衣 配音)亦尾随其后,一同和他们进入游戏的,还有米蕾尤(松冈由贵 配音)。   不了解这个世界的规则的秀悟很快就吃了瘪,在他和玲奈的面前,竟然出现了罕见的强大怪物铠战将军,而秀悟更是因此game over,就在秀悟弥留之际,一个神秘少女出现在了他的眼前,用一个吻使得秀悟死而复生,复生后的秀悟成为了黄金腕轮的继承者。随着时间的推移,众人发现游戏中的世界似乎遭到了某种侵蚀和破坏,黑暗里,一个阴谋正在缓慢酝酿之中。
Four years after the Twilight incident in the .hack video games, stability has seemingly returned to the on-line RPG "The World." Shugo and Rena, twin siblings who are living apart from each other, mysteriously acquire the player models of the .hackers: Kite and BlackRose, respectively. But invincible monsters have now made their way into the game - possibly as a result of a group of rogue players. Shugo is given the Twilight Bracelet, a dangerous data-altering item entrusted to the original Kite. Shugo and Rena, along with their newfound friends in the game (including Balmung and Sanjuro, two original players involved with the Twilight conflict), attempt to uncover the secret of these events while also avoiding the Cerulean Knights, a relentless team of system administrators.


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