黎明之前Vor der Morgenröte(2016)

又名:斯蒂芬·茨威格:再见欧洲 / Before Dawn / Stefan Zweig, adieu l'Europe / Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe

主演:约瑟夫·哈德 Josef Hader/巴巴拉·苏科瓦 Barbara Sukowa/托马斯·勒马尔奎斯 Tómas Lemarquis/纳威尔·佩雷兹·毕斯卡亚特 Nahuel Pérez Biscayart/查理·哈纳 Charly Hübner/莱恩·库德里亚维斯基 Lenn Kudrjawizki/伊万·舍甫多夫 Ivan Shvedoff/克里斯蒂娜·度·瑞格 Cristina do Rego/尼古拉·布雷纳 Nicolau Breyner/马修斯·布兰德 Matthias Brandt/奥斯卡·奥尔特加·桑切斯 Oscar Ortega Sánchez/安德烈·谢曼斯基 André Szymanski/曼努尔·科特兹 Manuel Cortez

导演:玛丽亚·施拉德 编剧:玛丽亚· 施拉德 Maria Schrader/扬·硕姆伯格 Jan Schomburg



黎明之前主演:约瑟夫·哈德 Josef Hader/巴巴拉·苏科瓦 Barbara Sukowa/托马斯·勒马尔奎斯 Tómas Lemarquis/纳威尔·佩雷兹·毕斯卡亚特 Nahuel Pérez Biscayart/查理·哈纳 Charly Hübner/莱恩·库德里亚维斯基 Lenn Kudrjawizki/伊万·舍甫多夫 Ivan Shvedoff/克里斯蒂娜·度·瑞格 Cristina do Rego/尼古拉·布雷纳 Nicolau Breyner/马修斯·布兰德 Matthias Brandt/奥斯卡·奥尔特加·桑切斯 Oscar Ortega Sánchez/安德烈·谢曼斯基 André Szymanski/曼努尔·科特兹 Manuel Cortez, 影片讲述了著名奥地利作家斯蒂芬·茨威格遭纳粹驱逐后在纽约、巴西等地的流亡之旅。茨威格出身富裕犹太家庭,在三十岁时就已然成为了赫赫有名的文学大师,作品远销海内外。但继纳粹上台后,书作先后在德国、奥地利被禁,他也踏上了流亡之旅,最后客死他乡。茨威格一生写过、同情过许多人的不幸遭遇,他的不幸遭遇自然也得到了人们的同情。
In 1936, Stefan Zweig, the illustrious author of " 24 Hours of a Woman's Life" and "Letter from an Unknown Woman", leaves Austria for South America. Being Jewish and hating the inhumanity that prevails in Germany while threatening his native country, he has decided to escape the specter of Nazism. Brazil is his chosen country. He is immediately hailed at Rio de Janeiro's Jockey Club by the local jet set. But whereas expect him to take sides and to make a statement against Hitler and his clique, Zweig refuses to renounce his humanity and to indulge in over-simplification: he just cannot condemn Germany and its people. On the other hand, the great writer literally falls in love with Brazil and undertakes the writing of a new book about the country. Accompanied by Lotte, his second wife he explores different regions, including the most remote ones...

