
又名:隐之爱人 / Through The Eye

主演:陈浩民 Ho-Man Chan/薛佳凝 Jianing Xue/罗兰 Lan Law/王皓祯 Haozhen Wang/杨苏如意 Ruyi Yangsu/卓凡 Fan Zhuo/游乐儿 Le-er You/鲍磊 Lei Bao/任添琪 Tianqi Ren

导演:张洋 编剧:安妮 Annie



借眼主演:陈浩民 Ho-Man Chan/薛佳凝 Jianing Xue/罗兰 Lan Law/王皓祯 Haozhen Wang/杨苏如意 Ruyi Yangsu/卓凡 Fan Zhuo/游乐儿 Le-er You/鲍磊 Lei Bao/任添琪 Tianqi Ren, 女主角明依(薛佳凝 饰)是位失明的单身母亲,带着女儿欢欢独自经营一家花店,后经过眼科医生高木(陈浩民 饰)的治疗,明依得以重见光明。为了使自己和女儿都有一个全新的开始,明依在高木的帮助下搬进了一座百年古宅,但没想到的是,母女二人也由此卷入一系列怪事之中。眼盲时留不住真爱,眼明时辨不出真心,这扇厚重的大门背后究竟藏着什么娟姨(罗兰 饰)想拼命保守的秘密?
Inside a luxurious hundred-year-old mansion, the protagonist Ming Yi is a blind single mother, raising her daughter Huan Huan, and running her florist shop. After Ming Yi was treated by Go Muk who is an ophthalmology doctor. She regains her sight due to a cornea donation and fell in love with the eye surgeon who operated on her, but her daughter Huan Huan is still emotionally attached to Ming Yi's ex-boyfriend. Therefore, in order to let her daughter get used to a new life, she moved into the old mansion, and from this point got entangled with the spirit of the mansion.

