PTA爷爷主演:松平健 Ken Matsudaira/安达祐实 Yumi Adachi/真飞圣 Sei Matobu/长谷川朝晴 Tomoharu Hasegawa/佐佐木胜彦 Katsuhiko Sasaki/中原丈雄 Takeo Nakahara/浅田美代子 Miyoko Asada,大手家電メーカーを定年退職した武曾勤65歳(松平健)。43年間、家庭を顧みないで働き続けた企業戦士。これからは家庭で悠々自適の隠居生活を送るつもりだった。…が、現実は甘くなかった…。妻の幸子(浅田美代子)は習い事や友人とのつきあいで、毎日忙しく充実した日々を過ごしている。勤は「ヒマなんだから何かすれば?」と幸子に上から目線で言われてしまう。離婚した娘の都(真飛聖)が小1になった孫娘・友理奈を連れて実家に戻ってきてからは、友理奈の面倒をみるのは勤の役目となった。大企業の課長として激務の毎日を送る都は、小学校の初保護者会で、誰もが敬遠するPTA役員、しかも多忙極まる「副会長」のくじを引いてしまう・・・。 65-year-old Tsutomu Muso has retired from his job at a major home appliance manufacturer. He was a corporate warrior who did not care for his family during those 43 years that he was working. He has no particular hobbies and his intention was to lead retirement life leisurely at home. However, reality is not so kind. His wife Sachiko, who has been living life to the fullest, is busy every day with enrichment lessons and socializing with friends. Considering Tsutomu a nuisance, she haughtily tells him to do something since he is free. After their divorced daughter Miyako moves back home with their one-year- old granddaughter Yurina, he becomes Yurina's caregiver because Miyako is extremely busy as the division head at a big corporation. Tsutomu realizes that he has no place in the house. Then one day, Miyako gets chosen to be the deputy chairwoman of the elementary school's Parent Teacher Association. Everyone shuns PTA committee members and the deputy chairwoman is an excessively hectic role. Miyako is already extremely busy and declines. This results in Yurina getting hurt. Tsutomu gets worked up and protests, but Sachiko suggests in a family meeting that he take their daughter's place as PTA deputy chairman. So on the day of the first PTA meeting, Tsutomu introduces himself to Junko Uchida who is also a deputy chairwoman and the other PTA members and quickly causes an uproar.