杀手·蝴蝶·梦La madre muerta(1993)

又名:死去的母亲 / The Dead Mother

主演:Karra Elejalde/Ana Álvarez/Silvia Marsó

导演:胡安玛·巴霍·乌略亚 编剧:Eduardo Bajo Ulloa/Juanma Bajo Ulloa



杀手·蝴蝶·梦主演:Karra Elejalde/Ana Álvarez/Silvia Marsó, 化名法伊斯的杀手(Karra Elejalde 饰)在自己暂时打工的店里看到了一位少女,陷入了持续的恍然若失,老板对他散漫状态的指责让杀手勃然大怒,他打晕了老板,回到昏暗的住处,向女友透漏了自己的计划,原来少女是杀手十年前杀害的女画家的遗孤,当年血腥的场面让女孩精神失常,失去了言语的能力。杀手要消灭目击证人。   但是计划进行的并不顺利,杀手无法加害这位智障的美丽少女,反而对她产生了阴暗而无力的兴趣。女友无法忍受这一切,向曾经收容少女的康复中心提出了勒索,一位护士想靠一己之力解救少女,最后却被杀手杀害。   浓重的夜色中,三人躲进了一座荒废的教堂,等待他们的,是无法冲破的悲情绝路。
Ismael Lopez, a petty criminal, shoots and kills a painting restorer during a bungled burglary, and shoots her daughter as well. Twenty years later, and the daughter Leire has been left mute and with a mental age of a child, spending most of her time in a mental home. A chance meeting between Leire and Ismael, who now works in a bar, leads Ismael to think that she still might be able to recognize him, and turn him in to the police. With the help of his girlfriend Maite, he kidnaps Leire and chains her to the bed in his house. He is unable to kill her, however, and instead asks the mental home for a ransom for her return. Whilst a prisoner, though, Leire and Ismael grow closer and closer through his attempts to make her laugh and their mutual love for chocolate.

