直到命运将我们分开 2Até que a Sorte nos Separe 2(2013)

主演:Leandro Hassum/卡米拉·莫基杜 Camila Morgado/Kiko Mascarenhas/Rita Elmôr/Arlete Salles/Charles Paraventi/Rodrigo Sant'anna/Berta Loran/Henri Pagnoncelli/Julya Dalavia/Henry Fiuka/Anderson Silva/Joey Bell/Brian Blu/Jody Deats

导演:罗伯特·桑杜奇 编剧:Paulo Cursino/Chico Soares



直到命运将我们分开 2主演:Leandro Hassum/卡米拉·莫基杜 Camila Morgado/Kiko Mascarenhas/Rita Elmôr/Arlete Salles/Charles Paraventi/Rodrigo Sant'anna/Berta Loran/Henri Pagnoncelli/Julya Dalavia/Henry Fiuka/Anderson Silva/Joey Bell/Brian Blu/Jody Deats, 提诺(Leandro Hassum饰 )和他老婆简妮(Camila Morgado饰)又一次遇到遇到资金困难。舅舅的突然离世留下的财产让简妮和她母亲平分了,这样夫妻俩的银行余额总算有了保障。舅舅最后的心愿是希望自己的骨灰能撒在科罗拉多大峡谷,于是提诺带上老婆孩子前往拉斯维加斯。然而提诺特别痴迷于赌场赌博,把简妮在扑克桌上赢的钱输了个精光。 更要命的是提诺欠了了墨西哥黑帮打手100万美金。黑帮打手不惜一切代价都要收回这笔钱。
Tino and Jane are once again in financial difficulties. The couple's bank balance is saved thanks to the unexpected death of Uncle Olavinho, who left a heritage of $100 million to be divided equally between Jane and her mother, Estela. As the last wish of the uncle was that his ashes be thrown on the Grand Canyon, Tino takes his wife and his two children to know Las Vegas. However, he is excited about gambling in a casino and lose all the money earned by Jane at the poker table. To make matters worse, he ows $10 million to a henchman of the Mexican Mafia, who want to receive the money at all costs.

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