约书亚树1951:詹姆斯·迪恩一页Joshua Tree, 1951:A Portrait of James Dean(2012)


主演:James Preston/Dan Glenn/Robert Gant

导演:Matthew Mishory 编剧:马修·米歇尔瑞(Matthew Mishory)



约书亚树1951:詹姆斯·迪恩一页主演:James Preston/Dan Glenn/Robert Gant, 年仅24岁就英年早逝的詹姆斯·迪恩,凭《无因的反抗》奠定其反叛不羁的形象,关于他的双性恋传闻,纵在五十多年后仍不时传出。作为仿传记电影,本片将焦点放在未成名的迪恩身上。1950年初,20岁的迪恩(James Preston 饰)正在洛杉矶戏剧学校努力进修,期望成为明日之 星。深懂运用性魅力的他举手投足充满诱惑之态,身边的男女都为之不能自拔。他跟室友的暧昧对谈,尽显其细腻、敏感和智慧的一面。他的性感本钱,更让他能够在戏剧和电影行业,得到他的所需所想.....影片以黑白胶片以及复古的库克安琴镜头呈现这位性感传奇的浮生片段。
JOSHUA TREE, 1951 is an intimate portrait of James Dean on the cusp of achieving notoriety as both a great actor and an American icon. Set primarily in the early 1950s and focusing on Dean's experiences as an up-and-coming actor in Los Angeles, the film is a series of revealing and sometimes dreamlike vignettes that blend biographical and fictionalized elements to present a pivotal moment in a remarkable life.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 2012 Joshua Tree, 1951 - A Portrait Of James Dean (USA)
