
又名:女大学生 / The Student

主演:苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau/文森特·林顿 Vincent Lindon

导演:克洛德·皮诺托 编剧:克劳德·比诺多 Claude Pinoteau/达妮埃尔·汤普森 Danièle Thompson



心动的感觉主演:苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau/文森特·林顿 Vincent Lindon, 女大学生凡伦黛(苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)正为了她的教师资格证而努力读书,某天,在滑雪场上,凡伦黛结识了充满了魅力的音乐家奈德(文森特·林顿 Vincent Lindon 饰),为了缓解考试带来的紧张和压力,凡伦黛和奈德之间发展出了一段露水情缘,两人非常有默契的达成了共识——只动性,不动情。没想到,一夜过后,凡伦黛竟然深深的迷恋上了奈德,奈德也暗暗被凡伦黛的魅力所折服。   分开后的两人无法常常见面,只能通过电话互诉衷肠,误会也油然而生。心高气傲的凡伦黛一气之下选择了离开奈德,奈德却无法放下对凡伦黛的爱意,阴差阳错之间,一对两情相悦的恋人眼看着就要擦肩而过。
Three months before her final examinations, the ambitious teachership student Valentine concentrates herself completely on learning. When Jazz musician Edouard wooes her, she agrees on a date though - planning for one night of pleasure only. But when she comes to know him better, she realizes that he isn't as shallow as she thought... so lust turns to love. But between her examination preparations and a tournee with a jazz band almost no time is left to be spent together.

