弗朗西斯·培根:暴力画笔Francis Bacon: A Brush with Violence(2017)

主演:Francis Bacon/Garech Browne/玛丽安娜·菲斯福尔 Marianne Faithfull/Alexander Gowrie/Maggi Hambling/Martin Harrison/达明安·赫斯特 Damien Hirst/特伦斯·斯坦普 Terence Stamp/Jon Lys Turner




弗朗西斯·培根:暴力画笔主演:Francis Bacon/Garech Browne/玛丽安娜·菲斯福尔 Marianne Faithfull/Alexander Gowrie/Maggi Hambling/Martin Harrison/达明安·赫斯特 Damien Hirst/特伦斯·斯坦普 Terence Stamp/Jon Lys Turner, 英国画家弗朗西斯·培根在世界范围内享有盛名,人们对其画作的总体印象好像总是“可怕、痛苦和令人不安”。培根的阴暗面到底来自何处?经常见到有艺术评论家将他40年代的作品与战争联系到一起,那么是来源于战争吗?受访者们似乎都对此持有保留意见。本片从更本源的角度、从培根的个人经历进行挖掘,探寻父亲艾迪·培根以及他的诸多恋人对他创作的影响。培根本人的两面性、其画作中残忍与悲悯并存的现象、其对朋友的关怀以及对自己生命的不怜惜……这些看似矛盾的信息像培根复杂的笔触一样,最终凝成了这幅摄人心魄的画作——以弗朗西斯·培根为题的肖像画。
Francis Bacon was the loudest, rudest, drunkest, most sought-after British artist of the 20th century. Twenty-five years after his death, his canvases regularly exceed £40million at auction. Bacon's appeal is rooted in his notoriety - a candid image he presented of himself as Roaring Boy, Lord of Misrule and Conveyor of Artistic Violence. This was true enough, but only part of the truth. He carefully cultivated the facade, protecting the complex and haunted man behind the myth. In this unique, compelling film, those who knew him speak freely, some for the first time, to reveal the many mysteries of Francis Bacon.

