数字复兴·下The Second Renaissance Part II(2003)

又名:第二复兴·下 / 机器复兴·下

主演:Dane A. Davis/Debi Derryberry/Julia Fletcher/Dwight Schultz/Jill Talley/James Arnold Taylor

导演:前田真宏 编剧:Andy and Larry Wachowski 沃卓斯基兄弟



数字复兴·下主演:Dane A. Davis/Debi Derryberry/Julia Fletcher/Dwight Schultz/Jill Talley/James Arnold Taylor, 傲慢的人类终于发动了对01国的全面进攻,为了摧毁这个权机器人的国家,他们不惜使用核武器,巨大的蘑菇云如含有剧毒的菌类接连盛开在地球的上空,01国宛如沐浴在数千个太阳的强烈照射之下。可是与脆弱的人类不同,机器人全然不惧高温与高辐射,对手的攻击过后,他们迅速组织了摧枯拉朽的反攻。人类的城镇、国度接连沦陷。在此危难时刻,有人提出"黑暗风暴"的企划,即利用浓浓的黑烟阻断机器人赖以取得能量的阳光。当浓厚阴森的黑雾团团将地球裹住之际,人类和机器人的战斗进入了最惨烈无望的时刻。   所谓第二次文艺复兴的精髓,是每个人都悔之莫及的过去……
With the robot city isolated and it's ambassadors ejected form the United Nations, a trade war begins to protect the human economy from superior products. When the trade war escalates into war the machines begin a seemingly unstoppable march across the globe. With solutions running out man darkens the sky to try and shut out the machine's main energy source, but the machines keep coming.


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