法味先生Mister French Taste(2012)

又名:礼仪达人(法式品味先生) / 品味先生

主演:Olivier Malet/周逸之 Osric Chau/连丽婷 Sarah Lian/Joe Fiorello/Stanley Tsang/Ursula Nitulescu/伍玉琪 Andrew Ng/洪林小湛 Alannah Ong/卢靖姗 Celina Jade/Mike Brooks/Martine Broyelle/安德鲁·达兹 Andrew Dasz/Emilie Broyelle/Jayson Li/Johan Lorrain/Zac Moss/Josephine Chi Yan Chai/Aurelia Chenat/张瑀希 Nadia Hatta/Tifa Li/Helene Liu/Cesar Maresville/Haruka Ostley/Mike Scissorhand/Marcus Tinsley/Jane Wong/Cindy Wu/哈利·杜·杨 Harry Du Young

导演:Jennifer Thym 编剧:Olivier Malet/周逸之 Osric Chau/Benoit Proux/Arne Venema


法味先生主演:Olivier Malet/周逸之 Osric Chau/连丽婷 Sarah Lian/Joe Fiorello/Stanley Tsang/Ursula Nitulescu/伍玉琪 Andrew Ng/洪林小湛 Alannah Ong/卢靖姗 Celina Jade/Mike Brooks/Martine Broyelle/安德鲁·达兹 Andrew Dasz/Emilie Broyelle/Jayson Li/Johan Lorrain/Zac Moss/Josephine Chi Yan Chai/Aurelia Chenat/张瑀希 Nadia Hatta/Tifa Li/Helene Liu/Cesar Maresville/Haruka Ostley/Mike Scissorhand/Marcus Tinsley/Jane Wong/Cindy Wu/哈利·杜·杨 Harry Du Young, 要找一个适合的人给宠坏了富家子弟黄利安教礼仪和正确的社交行为可一点也不容易。我们来看看法式品味先生打倒了哪些对手才得到这一份优差!   主要讲述一个自名为优雅不凡的法国先生Mister French Taste通过应聘得到了一份工作,主要是给前卫又充满自身主见的富家子弟Leon调教和灌输一种更古典,更优雅的法式礼仪。Leon的前卫和不羁与品味先生的古典和优雅貌似看上去非常得格格不入。但品味先生对于慢慢打磨和改造Leon却是非常得志在必得......
An original cross-cultural comedy series about manners (or the lack thereof). Mister French Taste is an etiquette coach with the challenge of a lifetime: transform the unruly Leon, the only son of a conservative Hong Kong family and a constant source of scandals and shame into a perfectly groomed gentleman while at the same time, trying to steal the heart of Lily, the beautiful, young heiress to a Hong Kong fashion empire, educated, smart, and fluent in the art of shopping. Watch Hong Kong and France collide in this hilarious comedy of manners.


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