
又名:천녀유혼 / 同心生死约 / 玄心奥妙诀

主演:徐熙媛 Barbie Hsu/陈晓东 Daniel Chan Hiu Tung/宣萱 Jessica Hester Hsuan/吴京 Jing Wu/罗嘉良 Gallen Law/邓萃雯 Sheren Tang/吕颂贤 Jackie Lui Chung-yin/元华 Wah Yuen/麦家琪 Teresa Mak/聂远 Yuan Nie/桑妮 Sonny Song/沈晓海 Xiaohai Shen/恬妞 Niu Tien/陈紫函 Zihan Chen/夏于乔 Kimi Hsia/朱晏 Yan Zhu/陈秀雯 Amy Chan/黄维德 Weide Huang/海俊杰 Gabriel Harrison/潘洁 Jie Pan/卓凡 Fan Zhuo/王禄江 Bryan Wong/陈传之 Bernard Tan/洪乙心 Apple Hong/张馨文/朱峰/张景远/赵昆鹏/马天亮/李丹霞/孙俊/朱志强/苑琼丹 King-Tan Yuen

导演:陈十三 李慧珠 温伟基 邓伟恩 编剧:陈十三 Sap Sam Chan/张世昌 Sai-Cheong Cheung


倩女幽魂主演:徐熙媛 Barbie Hsu/陈晓东 Daniel Chan Hiu Tung/宣萱 Jessica Hester Hsuan/吴京 Jing Wu/罗嘉良 Gallen Law/邓萃雯 Sheren Tang/吕颂贤 Jackie Lui Chung-yin/元华 Wah Yuen/麦家琪 Teresa Mak/聂远 Yuan Nie/桑妮 Sonny Song/沈晓海 Xiaohai Shen/恬妞 Niu Tien/陈紫函 Zihan Chen/夏于乔 Kimi Hsia/朱晏 Yan Zhu/陈秀雯 Amy Chan/黄维德 Weide Huang/海俊杰 Gabriel Harrison/潘洁 Jie Pan/卓凡 Fan Zhuo/王禄江 Bryan Wong/陈传之 Bernard Tan/洪乙心 Apple Hong/张馨文/朱峰/张景远/赵昆鹏/马天亮/李丹霞/孙俊/朱志强/苑琼丹 King-Tan Yuen, 大唐元年,天下繁盛。然而一段有关“七世怨侣”的预言,却使众人惶惶不得终日。传说魔道将凭七世怨侣的力量而得天下,人间从此化作无间地狱。玄心正宗的宗主燕赤霞(元华饰)尽展平生所学和魔君六道(罗嘉良饰)大战,魔君六道被燕赤霞杀死,留下一子七夜(聂远饰)。二十年后,一介书生宁采臣(陈晓东饰)来到有妖孽作崇的南郭镇。在入镇以前,宁采臣就接连遇见了很多离奇之事。先是被装神弄鬼的狐妖聂小倩(徐熙媛饰)吓个半死,然后又遇到一个叫人摸不着头脑的神秘少女马红叶(宣萱饰)。入镇以后,更被一个自称燕赤霞首席弟子的诸葛流云(吴京饰)苦缠。因缘际会,在冥冥中的安排下,一场凄美的人鬼情悲情上演。   由亚视著名鬼才编剧陈十三执导的古装奇幻电视剧《倩女幽魂》,根据我国经典名著聊斋的故事《聂小倩》改编。这部多地区合拍版剧集,两岸三地众星加盟,重新演绎一段至死不渝的真爱故事。
The empire of Tang has enjoyed a hundred years of prosperity since its founding. However, calamities and dangers nearly always lurk within affluent times. Famous Taoist sect, Xuan Xin Zhen Zong's forefather once discovered a huge stone cave in the deep mountain range, in the cave was a stone tablet carved with ancient writings. The ancient inscriptions foretold of all events since Tang Dynasty was founded, such as who would be the emperors, when would disasters occur, all of which were predicted with uncanny accuracy. What struck terror into the hearts of people was the last verse on the tablet, prophesying a grim future: When the constellation of Prince of Darkness Clashing with Seven Malignant Stars appears, Estranged Couple of Seven Lifetimes will be reborn. The demon sect will make use of the power from the acrimonious energy of the star-crossed lovers to dominate the world, turning it into a living hell. The tablet also stated clearly the time and place the Estranged Couple will ...


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