传奇搭档две легенды(2014)

又名:Dve legendy

主演:Artem Krylov/Anna Popova

导演:Вячеслав Кириллов 


传奇搭档主演:Artem Krylov/Anna Popova, 他是数学老师通常在莫斯科学校。他是著名生物学课程教师学院。一旦陷入交火最激烈的时候英雄在废弃建筑在欧洲。险些摧毁对方,熟悉新的奇迹能够发现他们俩为俄罗斯情报机构,但在不同的部门。共同努力,恐怖分子中和顶部俄罗斯情报机构决定“植物学”一起安静的秘密作战单元将执行侦察俄罗斯最微妙的委托世界各地。
He teaches mathematics and she teaches biology. The only thing they have in common is their brilliance: they both speak several languages fluently, have a command of the latest technology, know how to use all kinds of weapons and are trained in the martial arts. These two teachers are, in fact, legendary spies.


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