

主演:水岛大宙 Takahiro Mizushima/藤村步 Ayumi Fujimura/森本治行 Leo Morimoto/家弓家正 Iemasa Kayumi/岛正明

导演:渡边正树 三原武宪 浅见松雄 白石道太 藤本次朗 冈崎幸男 编剧:今川泰宏


调酒师主演:水岛大宙 Takahiro Mizushima/藤村步 Ayumi Fujimura/森本治行 Leo Morimoto/家弓家正 Iemasa Kayumi/岛正明, 佐佐仓溜(水岛大宙 配音)是一名优秀的调酒师,经营着一间名叫“伊甸园”的酒吧。他背负着所谓“神之酒杯”的称号,但是鲜有人知道他的过去。就是这样一间小小的酒吧,隐藏于银座的车水马龙之中。来岛美和(藤村歩 配音)是大企业家的千金,在“伊甸园”里,她找到了久违的平静,洗刷了生活的疲惫,也成为了这里的常驻顾客。   《调酒师》是一部以成年人为对象的动画,有着高雅的气氛和平和的音乐。各式各样悲伤疲惫的人推开“伊甸园”的大门,佐佐仓溜用他特制鸡尾酒让他们敞开心扉,倾吐心中的烦恼。通过鸡尾酒,也通过坦诚的倾诉,大部分的人都获得了灵魂的救赎,而这正是“伊甸园”存在的意义所在。同名日剧与2011年开始放映,获得了极高的收视率。
Situated in the Ginza district of Tokyo is the Eden Hall, a quiet bar that few people manage to come across. It is run by the legendary bartender Ryu Sasakura, a genius at mixing the right drink for the right customer. Throughout his period at Eden Hall, customers from all walks of life, carrying all sorts of burdens, arrive for a godly glass at the Hall and a kind word with Ryu, both of which assist in clearing their problems up and reviving them for another go at life.

