大洗刷The Big Wash(1948)

主演:Pinto Colvig

导演:Clyde De Vinna 编剧:比尔·伯格 Bill Berg/米尔特·班特 Milt Banta



大洗刷主演:Pinto Colvig, 清晨的阳光渐渐升起,马戏团的明星大象桃乐丝肚皮饿得咕咕直叫。她等待饲养员古菲为她准备早餐,可是懒惰的古菲还躲在房车内呼呼大睡,丝毫没有起床的意思。桃乐丝恼羞成怒,拼命晃动房车直到古菲起床。这个迟钝的饲养员没有注意到汽车早就散了架,睡眼惺忪地起来为桃乐丝准备食物,他还带来大象最喜欢的零食花生。酒足饭饱之后,古菲开始张罗着为桃乐丝洗澡。然而这似乎是桃乐丝最害怕的项目,她拼命躲闪、抵赖甚至逃跑,只为躲过恐怖的肥皂泡沫的袭击。   为此,古菲和大象展开了一系列斗智斗勇的战争……
Goofy is a circus attendant who is friends with Dolores the elephant. Today is his day to bathe Dolores but Dolores is not intent on being bathed and tries desparately to avoid Goofy even disguising herself as a clown at one point (which actually fools Goofy for a moment). Even when Goofy captures her, he still has difficulties with the bath job particularly when Dolores begins to start sneezing.


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