
又名:Wangliang's Ideal


导演:高雄杰 编剧:高雄杰



王良的理想主演:方野/汤慧华, 憨直的王良(方野 饰)在镇上杀猪,人称屠夫。高考落榜的李俏(汤慧华 饰)因替娘家还债,无奈之下嫁给了为她举债的王良,因她与王良没有丝毫感情可言,所以结婚时定下协议,做挂名夫妻,不能同床。而此时王良心中一直挂念着在外地上大学的初恋,而初恋恰好是他现在妻子李俏的闺蜜。结婚一断时间,李俏未怀孕,周围人都讥讽王良无能。李俏再次高考失利之后,去外地找了自己的初恋并与其同居,彻底和王良断绝了联系。王良来到李俏打工的城市寻找妻子,最终在一家足疗店找到了她,但这时的李俏以沦落风尘,她向王良提出苛刻要求,老实的王良一一照办,但李俏又一次反悔,一怒之下,王良痛下杀机......
During the process of urbanization of China, individual ideality and desire are always pushed by economy waves. Those labors at rock-bottom in the economic transition process sometimes pay high cost just for their own simple ideals and desires. Zhejiang province is one of the richest areas in China, with the economic booms, daily changes of urban construction. Nevertheless, in the mountains of this area there do still exist some to be aided group of people. They live in poor but peaceful lives that are fragile to be defeated by waves from outside. Some of them helplessly indulge into the society and lose control of them.


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