
又名:むしし / mushishi

主演:中野裕斗 Yuto Nakano/土井美加 Mika Doi

导演:长滨博史 今泉贤一 长井龙雪 长峰达也 山崎理 五十岚卓哉 宫下新平 成田岁法 五月女浩一朗 真野玲 井之川慎太郎 宫田亮 编剧:伊丹秋 Aki Itami/桑畑绢子/山田由香 Yuka Yamada/漆原友纪 Yuki Urushibara


虫师主演:中野裕斗 Yuto Nakano/土井美加 Mika Doi, “虫”既不是动物,也不是微生物,而是一种自然界中无处不在的力量,拥有独特的生命形态,偶尔和人类生命产生交汇,便生出一些奇妙的故事。但人们即使得知了“虫”的存在,大部分时候也不知如何应对,这便需要“虫师”出马。   银古就是一位虫师,他一头银发,年纪尚轻,但已经半生游历,经过一个个山野、村庄,为人们解决“虫”的问题,通过和被“虫”困扰的人们接近,他也接近了许多故事。银古的游历像风一样,再惊心动魄的“虫”似乎都融化在水墨样的山峦叠嶂间,芸芸众生也是过眼云烟,淡淡的故事里没有哀伤只有静穆。
They are neither plants nor animals. They differ from other forms of life such as the micro-organisms and the fungi. Instead they resemble the primeval body of life and are generally known as "Mushi". Their existence and appearance are unknown to many and only a limited number of humans are aware of them. Ginko is a "Mushi-shi" who travels around to investigate and find out more about the "Mushi". In the process, he also lends a helping hand to people who face problems with supernatural occurrences which may be related to the "Mushi".

