
又名:无敌铁罗刹 / Groizer X / Gloizer X

主演:古谷彻 Tôru Furuya/野崎貴美子/胜田久 Katsuta Hisashi/政宗一成 Issei Masamune/高木早苗 Sanae Takagi/藪内英喜



无敌太空船主演:古谷彻 Tôru Furuya/野崎貴美子/胜田久 Katsuta Hisashi/政宗一成 Issei Masamune/高木早苗 Sanae Takagi/藪内英喜, ガイラー星的考察队遭遇事故而在地球迫降,迟迟等不到本星救援队的考察队内部终于发生了内乱,过激派ゲルドン夺权称帝,建立ガイラー帝国并准备利用超兵器空爆机器人侵略地球。主和派的ヤン博士为了阻止ゲルドン的野心,将新型空爆机器人“グロイザーX”托付给女儿リタ,并让她将ゲルドン帝王的野心告知地球人。リタ脱出后遇到了特技飞行员海坂譲,两人一同驾驶グロイザーX开始了战斗。
The Gaira aliens, hidden in the Arctic, plan to conquer Earth. Captured and forced to work for the aliens, Dr. Yan creates the ultimate weapon, a transformable aerial robot called Groizer X. Groizer X was 100 meters tall and weighed 1200 tons. Entrusted to his daughter Rita, Groizer X escapes the clutches of the Gaira and lands in Japan, where pilot Joe Kaisaka meets a wounded Rita. Taking up the controls of Groizer X, Jo and Rita fight against the Gaira invasion.


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