

主演:石凉 Liang Shi/马跃 Yue Ma/涓子 Juan Zi/帕特里克·波查 Patrick Bauchau

导演:吴天明 编剧:吴天明 Tian-Ming Wu/罗雪莹 Xue-Ying Luo



首席执行官主演:石凉 Liang Shi/马跃 Yue Ma/涓子 Juan Zi/帕特里克·波查 Patrick Bauchau, 1985年,为了挽救濒临倒闭的青岛电冰箱厂,新上任的厂长凌敏(石凉 饰)前往德国科隆引进德国先进生产线。由于资金紧张和德方对中方的不信任,德国人提出验厂并且提前了验厂时间,如果不合格签订的合同就会自动失效。凌敏带领全厂职工加班加点通过了德方的检验,终于赢得了合同。挑战刚刚开始,为了提高员工的质量意识,凌敏带头砸毁了七十六台不合格冰箱。这一举动深深震撼了对质量问题不以为然的员工,给全体海尔人上了宝贵的一课。由于过硬的质量,海尔变成中国第一品牌。但是凌敏并不满足于现有成绩,他根据对国家形势和政策的正确估计,提出多元化发展战略,建立海尔产业园区。然而,资金的压力和各界的质疑也接踵而来。外资介入能否成功?海尔的命运到底能否掌握在海尔人自己手中呢......
Ling Min becomes the manager of Haier Factory when the factory is almost bankrupted. He has had no formal education, but on his own, he systematically studies Western theories of industrial management and such classical Chinese philosophies as Confucianism, Taoism, and Suntzu. His first challenge is from the Chinese workers, technicians, and officers, who have been trained to work under the old system and unable to function sufficiently in the new era of international competition. Once his products become good enough, he has to face severe competition, and, in some cases, humiliations, from well-established foreign companies. He and his company succeed in becoming the first Chinese private company to enter the international market, because of hard work, scientific management, and the combination of Western and Eastern philosophy.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 首席执行官
2019-05-12 首席执行官(做企业的先行者)
