
又名:拜金主义 / Zenigeba

主演:松山研一 Ken'ichi Matsuyama/米姆拉 Mimura/木南晴夏 Haruka Kinami/椎名桔平 Kippei Shiina/光石研 Ken Mitsuishi/奥贯薫 Kaoru Okunuki/宫本裕子 Yuko Miyamoto/山本圭 Kei Yamamoto/近藤公园 Kôen Kondô/Seiko Takuma

导演:大谷太郎 狩山俊辅 编剧:冈田惠和 Yoshikazu Okada


守财奴主演:松山研一 Ken'ichi Matsuyama/米姆拉 Mimura/木南晴夏 Haruka Kinami/椎名桔平 Kippei Shiina/光石研 Ken Mitsuishi/奥贯薫 Kaoru Okunuki/宫本裕子 Yuko Miyamoto/山本圭 Kei Yamamoto/近藤公园 Kôen Kondô/Seiko Takuma, 本故事讲述了从小就过着特别贫穷生活的穷小子蒲郡风太郎(松山健一 饰)因年幼时家里非常贫穷,常被小朋友们歧视耍弄。最疼爱他的妈妈因病无钱医治,也离他而去。常年酗酒游手好闲经常打骂他的父亲蒲郡健藏(椎名桔平 饰)光知道从家里要钱喝酒,喝醉了就对他打骂使他脸上留下了一道伤痕。从而致使他幼小的心灵对人生产生了极度扭曲的想法,和金钱至上金钱就是万能的人生观。为了钱他啥事都能干出来,不惜杀人来保护钱财。从所在工厂下岗后,被招聘到了三国造船厂,见到了老板的女儿三国绿(米姆拉 饰)就暗下决心为了钱和儿时的怨恨,一定把三国绿搞到手,于是就策划了一系列的阴险计划。使用苦肉计取的了三国绿好感,又接近她的妹妹,同样脸上有伤疤从小就自卑忧郁的三国茜(木南晴夏 饰),很快取得了三国茜的欢心。使他的计划更近了一步,最终他能实现自己的目标吗?
Gamagori Futaro has been poor since the day he was born. As a child his recklessly wasteful and abusive father sunk the family into debt and disappeared, leaving Futaro and his sick mother to fend for themselves. With no money to pay for medical treatment for his ailing mother, she eventually died. After her death Futaro became obsessed with money and willing to do anything for it. Several years pass and Futaro finds himself working at "Mikuni Shipbuilding" where he meets the company president's daughters Midori, who was his former classmate, and her younger sister Akane, who is disabled, and like Futaro, has a scarred face. In a plot to acquire their fathers company, Futaro begins to get close the sisters.

