
又名:国王的餐厅 / Ousama no restoran


导演:铃木雅之 河野圭太 编剧:三谷幸喜


奇迹餐厅主演:松本幸四郎/筒井道隆/山口智子/铃木京香/西村雅彦, 父亲的意外去世让原田禄郎(筒井道隆 饰)悲伤之余又有震惊,因为临死前,父亲将本来由大儿子水原范朝(西村雅彦 饰)经营的法国餐厅托付给了禄郎。突然之间从一个无名小辈变成了餐厅经理,禄郎的生活会发生怎样的变化呢?   来到了餐厅,禄郎才发现现实和他的想象简直是大相径庭,散漫的员工,不济的管理让这间本就狭小的餐厅生意十分惨淡。为了重振雄风,禄郎找到了父亲的老友千石武(松本幸四郎 饰),希望这位经验丰富的传奇侍者能够助自己一臂之力,没想到后者拒绝了他的请求。然而,禄郎并没有轻言放弃,他的诚恳和执着最终感化了千石武。
The story takes place in Tokyo's La Belle Equipe French restaurant where its standard deteriorated after the death of its owner. The son, who is inexperienced in the business, inherits the restaurant and finds himself unable to motivate his staff. Realizing that the quality of the restaurant is not like what it used to be, a determined middle-aged garcon, a good friend of the original owner, decides to help make changes. His mission is to bring back the glory of La Belle Equipe.


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