
又名:现在,就去见你 / Ima, ai ni yukimasu / Be With You

主演:米姆拉 Mimura/成宫宽贵 Hiroki Narimiya/武井证 Akashi Takei/冈本绫 Aya Okamoto/黑川智花 Tomoka Kurokawa/福本有希/志保 Shiho/三浦春马 Haruma Miura/重本爱瑠 Eru Shigemoto

导演:平野俊一 山室大辅 大岡進 川嶋龍太郎 编剧:饭野阳子 Yôko Iino/篠崎绘里子 Eriko Shinozaki/市川拓司 Takuji Ichikawa


现在,很想见你主演:米姆拉 Mimura/成宫宽贵 Hiroki Narimiya/武井证 Akashi Takei/冈本绫 Aya Okamoto/黑川智花 Tomoka Kurokawa/福本有希/志保 Shiho/三浦春马 Haruma Miura/重本爱瑠 Eru Shigemoto, 妻子秋穗澪(米姆拉 饰)过世一年后,梅雨季。与爸爸秋穗巧(成宫宽贵 饰)相依为命的秋穗佑司(武井证 饰)满心期待地盼望着妈妈“回来”,因为在妈妈生前所画的绘本中就是这么说的。就在进入梅雨季的第一天,妈妈真的回来了。两父子欣喜若狂,然而此时的澪已忘记生前的一切,包括她深爱着的丈夫和孩子。巧与佑司决定先暂时隐瞒澪回来的事实,试着让澪重温旧日时光重拾记忆。巧生活起居的种种改变,让一直暗恋巧的同事永濑万里子(冈本绫 饰)以为他交了新的女朋友。慢慢地,澪重新爱上了巧。然而无意间她发现了生前画给佑司的绘本,才得知自己将在梅雨季结束的时候离开她刚刚开始的幸福。   于2005年首播的十集纯爱电视剧《现在,很想见你》根据同名畅销小说改编而成,将2004年大卖的电影《现在,很想见你》搬上电视机的荧屏。
Yuuji is still a first-grade student, he is having a very hard time understanding what has happened to his mother and the fact that she won't be coming back. At the very beginning , the voice of the late mother is reading from a picture book that she wrote for Yuuji before she died. It is about a mother who dies, but promises to return when the rainy season comes. Yuuji believes in this story and thinks that his mother will come back when the rainy season comes. And surprisingly - she actually does. When it begins raining on a June morning, Yuuji runs out into the forest to the special place where he used to play with his mother. His father, Takumi chases after him to get him to go to school. When they arrive at the old ruined building where they used to play, Yuuji's mother, Mio is waiting there completely alive and healthy, but she has no memory of them or anything that occurred during her life.


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