
主演:李民浩 Min-ho Lee/文彩媛 Chae-won Moon/权世仁 Kwon Se In/郑允朝/朴宝英

导演:金永载 崔英勋 金弘善 编剧:白芝贤/朴在宪


奔跑吧,鲭鱼主演:李民浩 Min-ho Lee/文彩媛 Chae-won Moon/权世仁 Kwon Se In/郑允朝/朴宝英, 车功灿(李敏镐 饰)热爱足球,希望韩国能够在世界杯上夺得大力神杯的殊荣。然而,在校足球队内,车功灿却因为不小心进了一个乌龙球而面临了前所未有的巨大危机。学校想方设法想要踢走这个总是不按常理出牌的问题学生,同学们亦对他虎视眈眈。   某日,车功灿偶然遇见了名为闵云夕(文彩元 饰)的陌生女孩,为了帮助闵云夕,车功灿不幸落水染上风寒,但却未换来美女的一丝感恩之情。之后,车功灿意外的在校园里和闵云夕重逢了,后者成为了他的同班同学。车功灿原想主动退学,然而闵云夕的出现改变了他的想法,他发现自己竟然爱上了这个鲁莽而自大的女孩。
Cha Gong Chan was able to enter the top private high school in the affluent Gangnam District, Myoung Mun High, because of his soccer skills. But when he quits the sport, he finds himself an outcast and starts cutting class. One day, a beautiful new girl transfers to the school, and when she walks into his class, Gong Chan falls for her instantly. He is finally enthusiastic about going to school, but the school administrator informs him that he will be expelled if he misses one more day. Gong Ghan vows that he won't give up on either his school life or his love.


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