血腥愚人节Los inocentes(2013)

又名:Bloody April Fools

主演:Mario Marzo/Charlotte Vega/Àlex Batllori

导演:Carlos Alonso-Ojea Dídac Cervera 编剧:Carlos Alonso-Ojea/Albert Camps


血腥愚人节主演:Mario Marzo/Charlotte Vega/Àlex Batllori, ★西班牙Sitges奇幻影展正式入選   ★《靈異孤兒院》《浩劫奇蹟》團隊又一駭作   ★「愚人節就是要開趴啊,不然要幹嘛?」有些玩笑不能開,有些旅館不能待!   15年前的愚人節,一位遭同儕霸凌的學生被關在鍋爐室裡,最後被300度高溫的蒸汽活活燒死 ,從此關於愚人節的致命玩笑詛咒開始流傳……   現在,一票狐群狗黨計畫渡過一個別出心裁的愚人節,他們前往一間名叫「十二山丘」的廢棄旅館舉辦派對,當地盛傳這間旅社有著一個恐怖詛咒:每逢愚人節,過往曾經發生過的血腥慘劇就會再度發生。儘管當地居民再三警告,執意找死的屁孩們還是堅持就地狂歡,無限酒精、狂野性愛、正當派對進行到最高潮,過往死者的怨靈悄悄逼近,要讓這群猴死囡仔,學到人生最後一次的愚人節教訓……
Nine young friends get lost on their way to spending April Fools Day together. Instead of letting the entire trip go to waste, they decide to go party at an old abandoned inn called 12 Hills. Rumor has it that the place has curse that comes to life every April 1st. Despite the warnings from the locals, the friends decide to go ahead with their April Fools Day plan. It's all partying, sex and alcohol until victims of sick, deadly jokes start to appear.


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