莫罗庄园The Chateau Meroux(2011)

又名:莫罗酒庄 / 爱情庄园

主演:克里斯托弗·洛伊德 Christopher Lloyd/玛拉·索科洛芙 Marla Sokoloff/阿曼达·莱赫提 Amanda Righetti/杰弗里·韦斯曼 Jeffrey Weissman/巴里·沃森 Barry Watson/泰勒·内古龙 Taylor Negron/Daniel Bastreghi/William Pawley

导演:Bob Fugger 编剧:Adam Morrison



莫罗庄园主演:克里斯托弗·洛伊德 Christopher Lloyd/玛拉·索科洛芙 Marla Sokoloff/阿曼达·莱赫提 Amanda Righetti/杰弗里·韦斯曼 Jeffrey Weissman/巴里·沃森 Barry Watson/泰勒·内古龙 Taylor Negron/Daniel Bastreghi/William Pawley, 温蒂从一直毫无联系的父亲那里继承了莫罗酒庄,但她很快发现经营酒庄并不是一件容易的事情,对于毫无经验的她不仅得重新学习经营酒庄,   还得面对对手克里斯托弗的挑战;尽管酒庄过去经营的有声有色,但面对经济萧条的危机,酒庄的经济状况也每况愈下。   这时身为对手的克里斯托弗却跳出来帮助温蒂学着经营酒庄,这一切到底又会给温蒂带了怎样的挑战呢?
When Napa valley wine estate 'Chateau Meroux' owner jerry dies, he leaves it all unexpectedly to his long-estranged, presumably neglected daughter Wendy, who totally depends on her San Francisco roommate Jennifer. They visit it, and soon fall in love with Chris, the son and initially spy of rival neighbor and candidate-buyer Nathan, viz. Romario, the romantic assistant of ambition-consumed French wine-maker Francois. When Wendy decides to stay and run it, despite scary debts, Chris actually helps them, but Nathan stops at nothing.

