迷失奥斯丁Lost In Austen(2008)

主演:杰迈玛·卢珀 Jemima Rooper/阿莉克丝·金斯顿 Alex Kingston/休·博纳维尔 Hugh Bonneville/汤姆·莱利 Tom Riley/汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston

导演:丹·泽夫 编剧:盖·安德鲁斯 Guy Andrews/Jane Austen


迷失奥斯丁主演:杰迈玛·卢珀 Jemima Rooper/阿莉克丝·金斯顿 Alex Kingston/休·博纳维尔 Hugh Bonneville/汤姆·莱利 Tom Riley/汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston, 生活在伦敦的Amanda是跟我们一样的姑娘,沉闷的生活、沉闷的工作、日复一日的忍耐,只有沉浸在简奥斯汀的小说里她才能感受到如沐春风的怯意,而《傲慢与偏见》无疑是她最爱的一本。   当她在自己房间里发现了来自200年前的伊丽莎白,Amanda无法相信,这个小说里的女主人公竟然会穿越时光活生生地站在自己面前,而穿越的轨道竟然是自己家的洗衣机门!充满好奇的伊丽莎白对于现代世界同样感到兴趣,正如Amanda对那个优雅的19世纪充满景仰一样,Amanda通过那道门,走进了小说的世界。遇见了她烂熟于胸的人物,更发现她正处于小说的开端,与一直以来的梦中情人达西会面。   她会改变小说的走向吗?而留在21世纪的伊丽莎白恐怕也要面对适应的问题。
Amanda Price is dissatisfied with her life in modern London. Her favorite escape is getting lost in the pages of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. One night, Amanda is startled to come face to face with the novel's protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet. A small door in her apartment mysteriously links their worlds. Eventually, Amanda becomes trapped on the other side, while Elizabeth remains in the modern world. Now as the events of her favorite book unfold in all the wrong ways, Amanda tries desperately to set things straight, but inevitably makes things worse. Will this fractured version of a classic tale lead Amanda to her own happily-ever-after?

