自从上一集牛仔伍迪救回巴斯光年之后,他一直和其他玩具一起快乐的生活在小主人家。一次,小主人参加夏令营去了,伍迪因为破旧而没被带去。留在家里的伍迪恰巧被一个玩具收藏家发现了,认为他是近代最具代表性的玩具。于是将伍迪被偷了出来放在颇富盛名的文化博物馆内展览。在家里所有的玩具 都很担心伍迪,因此巴斯光年自告奋勇去寻找伍迪,但是当他们发现伍迪在展览馆时, 伍迪却似乎不再愿意回去过那平凡的生活……While Andy is away at summer camp Woody has been toynapped by Al McWiggin, a greedy collector and proprietor of "Al's Toy Barn"! In this all-out rescue mission, Buzz and his friends Mr. Potato Head, Slinky Dog, Rex and Hamm springs into action to rescue Woody from winding up as a museum piece. They must find a way to save him before he gets sold in Japan forever and they'll never see him again!