黛丝(杰米•李•柯蒂斯 饰)是一个心理医生也是一个单亲母亲,独自抚养女儿安娜(林赛•洛翰 饰)与小儿子。但黛丝跟安娜的关系一直不好,两人都看不惯对方的做法。这天她们再次争吵:为安娜乐队及母亲再婚的事,表示如果换做是对方,事情就会有好的结果。没想到她们读了一位奇怪老婆婆所给的小纸条后,竟然互换了身份。惊恐中她们不得不接受事实,互相配合做好各自的事,这期间经历的事,才让母女认识到各自的生活,理解到各自的感受。但黛丝的婚礼就要进行了,身份还没法换回……The wide generation gap between Tess Coleman and her teenage daughter Anna is more than evident. They simply cannot understand each other's preferences. On a Thursday night they have a big argument in a Chinese restaurant. Both receive a fortune cookie each from the restaurant owner's mother which causes them to switch bodies next day. As they adjust with their new personalities, they begin to understand each other more and eventually it's the mutual self-respect that sorts the things out.