本过着平凡生活的夫妻雷·温克勒(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen饰)和弗伦奇(崔茜·尤玛 Tracey Ullman饰),一个是有犯罪前科的洗碗工,一个是专给人修指甲的美容师。然而这平静而安稳的生活,却被雷密谋抢劫银行的计划所打破。即使妻子极力反对,可雷心意已决。他不仅找上三个愚蠢的同伴入伙实施抢劫计划,居然还千方百计地拖弗伦奇下水。可这场希望一夜暴富的美梦并非如想象中顺利,一场状况百出的银行抢劫行动爆笑上演。 由美国著名导演伍迪·艾伦自编自演自导的喜剧电影《业余小偷》,沿袭了他一贯善于揶揄讽刺的喜剧风格形式。本剧一连串笑料百出的状况连连,加之带有浓厚地方色彩的机智对白,让这出幽默诙谐的“内行人笑话”,令人忍俊不禁、捧腹不止。女主角崔茜·尤玛凭借此片荣获2001年第58届金球奖电影类-音乐喜剧类最佳女主角提名。Dishwasher and small-fry criminal Ray hits on a plan with his partners in crime to re-open a local pizza place and dig through to the bank down the street. As his wife can't cook pizza but does great cookies, that's what they sell. While the no-hope tunnellers get lost underground, the cookie operation really takes off and the team find themselves rich business people. But the other local money isn't quite ready to accept them.