何完胜(权相宇 饰)是一位王牌刑警,他拥有雕塑般的完美外貌,但比起推理更相信直觉,比起法律更相信拳头。他不喜欢复杂的过程,靠着动物般的本能与敏锐的直觉抓捕罪犯。刘雪玉(崔江姬 饰)则以知识和经验为基础,进行复杂推理找到真相。两人办事方式完全相反,但在一起却是梦幻搭档。两人携手,共同调查各种犯罪事件。South-Korean drama that narrates the story of a woman who never got to work as a criminal profiler due to her commitment as a prosecutor's wife. Her vocation for Criminology will soon overwhelm her duties as a housewife and work as an unofficial assistant with a police inspector specialised un criminal affairs.