老校长(申星一 饰)在人生暮年被查出身患绝症时日无多,心灰意冷的他并不急于治疗以苟且残喘,在一天天的平静时光和日益加重的病痛之中,他安然淡定的等待着死神的降临。一天,一位女护士(裴涩琪 饰)出现在了老校长暗淡的生命之中,护士年轻美艳,在有意无意之中,她似乎对老校长有着什么暗示,而这具鲜活热辣的肉体亦为老校长带来了生命之光。 就这样,一段扭曲复杂的感情在白发苍苍的老者和朝气蓬勃的女子之间展开了,随着时间的推移,老校长渐渐发现,护士并没有表面看上去的那么单纯善良,在她的身后,似乎隐藏着什么不可告人的秘密。Jong-sup who has been raising his only son by himself after his wife died, also loses his son to an unfortunate accident. Then he finds out he's got cancer and only has 6 months to live. Jong-sup doesn't want to lose his dignity until the moment he dies so he hires a caregiver who is Yeon-hwa. Seeing her carry out all of his picky demands, Jong-sup feels attracted to her and it grows big enough to wake up the desire inside him. However, despite Jong-sup, Yeon-hwa weakens him further by being more and more charming with every moment. Just when Jong-sup decides he can't take it any more, he faces an unbelievable truth.